Hands-down, this is the best bit of student doodling we’ve found inside a book. Ever. The misspelled words add charm to the unambiguous way in which the student shares his or her feeling about the book.
The book in question was written in 1945 and designed to be a part of a home economics class. With any luck, this student failed the class and enjoyed a lifetime of fun, frivolity and facetiousness!
What are your thoughts or feelings on the inscription? Please take a moment and let us know in the comments below.
Also, if you have found some inscriptions of your own, by all means, I encourage you to click here and share them with us! I’d really like to build up a collection of them with your help!
-Donna Q
Karen says
I own a copy of the Sharing Home Life book by Baxter, Justin and Rust. It was my grandmother’s book. She used it a lot to make desserts and I’m fortunate to have this in my possession. She wrote her name inside the book and my grandfather wrote his name on one of the pages. My grandma carried this book in high school and met my grandfather. Amazing that this book is still around.
Donna Quixote says
What a great story! Thanks for sharing Karen!
Donna Quixote says
I meant to say: We found this book in Nashville. Curious as to where your grandma went to school in the area.