The initials R.L. stand for Robert Louis, as in Robert Louis Stevenson – the author of such classics as Treasure Island and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. According to book data we found online, “This volume contains all of Stevenson’s more or less autobiographical writings not contained in Memories and Portraits, many of them not published, and some not completed, by the time of his death. Geez, like some others we’ve found, perhaps we should have spent a few more minutes appreciating this book when we had it in our hands.
What are your thoughts or feelings on the inscription? Please take a moment and let us know in the comments below.
Also, if you have found some inscriptions of your own, by all means, I encourage you to click here and share them with us! I’d really like to build up a collection of them with your help!
-Donna Q
maryb says
how will we preserve the art of inscription in the digital age ? do we purchase for another’s kindle and inscribe on the notification for their download?
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Donna Quixote says
Missed your post earlier. You make an interesting observation. Just yet another way in which no other form can live up to real, actual books.